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“चांगले पुस्तक म्हणजे मानवी आत्म्याचे अतिशुद्धी सार असते.”.....“यशाची गुरुकिल्ली म्हणजे स्वतःला ओळखणं.”.....“आरोग्य आणि आनंदीपणा एकमेकास पूरक असतात.”.....“स्वतः वर नियंत्रण ठेवणारा चांगले राज्य करू शकतो.”.....“सर्व साधारण व्यक्ती सुप्त मेंदूचा केवळ 10 टक्केच वापर करतो.”.....“मोठेपणा आणि चांगुलपणा एका व्यक्तीत क्वचितच एकत्र दिसतात.”.....“इतिहास म्हणजे उदाहरणांवरून शिकलेले तत्वज्ञान होय.”.....“जीवन म्हणजे आत्म्याचे सामर्थ्य ओळखण्याचे साधन.”.....“वाईट बातमीला पंख असतात तर शुभ बातमीला पायच नसतात.”.....“पैसे मागे ठेवून मरण्यापेक्षा जीवन श्रीमंतीत घालवावे.”.....“ज्ञान उड्या मारत नाही पायरी पायरी ने पुढे जाते.”.....“सर्वांनी एकत्र श्रम केल्याने कठीण काम हलके होते.”.....“दुसऱ्याला शिकवीत असतांना माणूस स्वतःला शिकवीत असतो.”.....“माणूस परिस्थितीचा गुलाम असतो.”.....“संगीत म्हणजे परमेश्वराने दिलेली वैभवशाली व सुंदर देणगी आहे.”.....“निसर्ग हाच खरा कायदा.”.....“रागाच्या भारत माणूस जसे वागतो ते शेवटी लाजिरवाणे ठरते.”.....“भरभराटीच्या दिवसांमुळे आपण बिघडून जातो.”.....माणसाला शत्रू नसणे ही अशक्यप्रायः गोष्ट आहे.”.....“मरणापेक्षा जीवन जगण्याला जास्त धैर्य लागते.”.....“ज्ञान उड्या मारत नाही पायरी पायरी ने पुढे जाते.”.....“ज्ञान दुसऱ्याला देता येते, पण शहाणपण देता येत नाही.”.....“श्रम हेच जीवन.”.....“संपत्तीचा अभाव हे सर्व वाईट गोष्टीचे मूळ आहे.”.....“जीवन हे फुल आहे आणि प्रेम हा त्या फुलातील मध आहे.”.....“जीवन म्हणजे पराकोटी चा आनंद होय.”.....“सर्वांनी एकत्र श्रम केल्याने कठीण काम हलके होते.”.....“माणूस परिस्थितीचा गुलाम असतो.”.....“दुसऱ्याला शिकवीत असतांना माणूस स्वतःला शिकवीत असतो.”.....“द्या हा खरोखरच दैवी गुण आहे.”.....“संयम हेच खरे औषध.”.....“पैशाने माणसाला महत्व प्राप्त होते.”.....“संगीत म्हणजे परमेश्वराने दिलेली वैभवशाली व सुंदर देणगी आहे.”.....“जो माणूस स्वतःला सुखी समजत नाही तो कधीच सुखी नसतो.”.....“निसर्ग हाच खरा कायदा.”.....“दुसऱ्याच्या दुर्दैवात आनंद माणू नका.”.....“जेथे मान निर्मळ असते, तेथे थोड्या शब्दांनी काम होते.”.....“पैसा नसेल तर माणसाची किंमत नसते.”.....“काट्याच्या भीती शिवाय तुम्ही गुलाब तोडू शकत नाही.”.....“जेथे स्वातंत्र्याचा वास असेल तोच माझा देश.”.....“जे संपले आणि ज्याला इलाज नाही त्याबद्दल दुखः ही करू नये.”.....“रागाच्या भारत माणूस जसे वागतो ते शेवटी लाजिरवाणे ठरते.”.....“सद्गुणाचे बक्षीस सद्गुण असते.”.....“आपण श्रद्धेवर जगत असतो.”.....“भरभराटीच्या दिवसांमुळे आपण बिघडून जातो.”.....“लपवाछपवीने दुर्गुणांना खतपाणी मिळते.”.....“मैत्री असली म्हणजे सर्व ओझी असतात.”.....“श्रम संपले म्हणजे आनंद होतो.”.....“आलेल्या संधीचा योग्य उपयोग करून घ्या.”.....“कोणत्याही खोल जखमेचा व्रण मागे राहतोच.”.....“माणसाचा खरा शत्रू कोण असतो तर तो स्वतःच असतो.”.....“जो एक दिवस देतो तो दुसरा दिवस घेउन जातो”.....“स्तुतीपुढे कोणतीही स्त्री टिकाव धरू शकत नाही”.....“जेथे चिंता राहील तेथे झोप राहू शकत नाही.”.....“चुका करणे हा माणसाचा, परंतु क्षमा करणे हा ईश्वराचा गुणधर्म आहे.”.....“सर्वात मोठे वरदान म्हणजे खरा मित्र लाभणे.”.....“श्रम करणे म्हणजेच प्रार्थना करणे होय.”.....“माता आणि पिता यांच्यावर प्रेम करणे हा निसर्गाचा पहिला नियम आहे.”.....“घाबरटाला सारेच अशक्य असते.”.....“सत्य हे अमर आहे, तर चूक ही मर्त्य आहे.”.....“एका रात्रीत तयार झालेल्या बर्फावर विश्वास ठेवू नका.”.....“स्वाभिमान हा सर्वच सद्गुणांचा पायाच म्हणता येईल.”.....“मौन ठेवले तर चांगलेच होते, वाईट होत नाही.”.....“खरे शहाणपणाचे उत्तर म्हणजे मौन होय.”.....“विश्रांती देणारे एकमेव औषध म्हणजे झोप.”.....“जीवनातील यश हे खूप कष्टाने मिळते.”.....“माणूस पाहून तुमचे वर्तन ठेवा.”.....“दुःखातून येणारे सुख हे मधुर असते.”

"Change the world by being yourself"....."Every moment is a fresh beginning"....."Never regret anything that made you smile"....."Die with memories, not dreams"....."Aspire to inspire before we expire"....."Everything you can imagine is real"....."Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"....."Whatever you do, do it well"....."What we think, we become"....."All limitations are self-imposed"....."Tough times never last but tough people do"....."Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines"....."One day the people that don’t even believe in you will tell everyone how they met you"....."If I’m gonna tell a real story, I’m gonna start with my name"....."If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything"....."Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish"....."Hate comes from intimidation, love comes from appreciation"....."I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong"....."Oh, the things you can find, if you don’t stay behind"....."Determine your priorities and focus on them"....."Be so good they can’t ignore you"....."Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today"....."Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it"....."I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be worth it"....."To live will be an awfully big adventure"....."Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud"....."There is no substitute for hard work"....."What consumes your mind controls your life"....."Strive for greatness"....."Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are"....."And still, I rise.The time is always right to do what is right"....."Let the beauty of what you love be what you do"....."May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears"....."The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit"....."When words fail, music speaks"....."Embrace the glorious mess that you are"....."Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk but no flowers grow"....."I have nothing to lose but something to gain"....."We all experience a wide variety of situations in our everyday lives".....“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”....“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”....“Get busy living or get busy dying.”....“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”....."Love For All, Hatred For None"

How to apply for a driving licence

How long does it take to get a DL?

In India, two kinds of driving licences are issued: learner's licence and permanent licence. Learner's licence is valid only for six months.

In India, a driving licence is an official document that authorizes its holder to operate various types of motor vehicles on highways and some other roads to which the public have access.

A modern photo of the driving licence can also serve many of the purposes of an identity card in non-driving contexts such as proof of identity (e.g. when opening a bank account) or proof of age (e.g. when applying for a mobile connection). Whoever wishes to drive a vehicle in India has to have a driving licence!

In India, two kinds of driving licences are issued: learner's license and permanent licence. Learner's license is valid only for six months. A permanent licence can be availed only after the expiry of one month from the date of issuance of the learner's licence.

However, a permanent driving licence cannot be received right away. There is a separate process for it.

An individual who wants to drive any type of motor vehicle in India has to get his/her learner's licence first. A learner's licence is issued for learning. After a month of the issued learner's license, the person has to appear for the test in front of an RTO authority, who upon proper examination, will declare if he/she has passed the exam or not.

Documents required for driving license

To ensure that there is no delay in the application process, the documents that are to be submitted have to be valid and correct. The lists of documents required for a driving license are:

  • Age Proof (any one of the below-given documents)

  • Birth Certificate

  • PAN Card

  • Passport

  • 10th Class mark sheet

  • Transfer certificate from any school for any class with date of birth printed on it

Proof of address required for DL

Permanent proof of address (any one from the following):

  • Passport

  • Aadhaar Card

  • Self-owned house agreement

  • Electricity bill (issued in applicants name)

  • LIC bond

  • Voters ID Card

  • Ration card

Current Proof of address (any one from the following):

  • Rental agreement and electricity bill

  • Rental agreement and LPG bill

Other Requirements for DL

  • Duly filled application form (to get the application form for a driving license, visit the nearest RTO or download it from the online portal for your state)

  • 6 passport sized photographs (when applying for Learners license)

  • 1 passport sized photograph (when applying for driving license)

  • Application fees: If you are staying in other cities, as current address proof, you can present the rental agreement with one recent utility bill copy which can be a gas bill or an electricity bill.

  • Medical Certificate is mandatory for all applicants over the age of 40 years. Form 1 A and 1 is to be issued by a certified government doctor

How to apply for DL online

Applying for a driving license online is a simple process and involves only a few steps.

Go to the official Sarathi website of the Road Transport & Highways Ministry. From the column named "Sarathi Services," select "New Driving license."

You will be redirected to a new web page, which will have all the details about it. Read through the instructions. Download the form and fill all the required information.

Process to fill the DL application form online

The process for filling out an online application for a learner's license or driving license is as follows:

  • Visit the Sarathi website and download the driving license application form

  • Fill in the form as per the instructions provided on the screen and click on 'Submit'

  • In the case of minor applicants, the form is to be printed out and Part D is to be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian at the nearest RTO

  • Upload the documents to be submitted along with the application form (proof of age, proof of address, learner's license number)

  • A Web Application Number will be generated after submission, which can be used to track the status of the application

  • Once the application has been processed, a notification will be sent via SMS

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